Invictus Capital: Weekly Wrap 21.01

Dean Adair
4 min readJan 22, 2022


The weekly wrap can be delivered to your inbox at the end of each week by subscribing to the Invictus Capital newsletter at the bottom of the homepage

Invictus Q4 2021 Report

Invictus continues to deliver an uninterrupted path of growth across all its funds.

The Invictus suite of funds offered commendable performance in a quarter marked by heightened volatility in the Bitcoin and broader cryptoasset market. All five of the Invictus funds registered positive returns for the quarter, with the vast majority outperforming their benchmarks. The simple average return across our suite of funds was 10.7% for the quarter, which is equivalent to an annualized return of 50%.

  • The Crypto10 Hedged (C10) fund offered the greatest returns over the quarter at 23.91%, far outstripping its benchmark of 1.66% and Bitcoin at 12.36%.
  • Crypto20, the flagship fund, had a stellar year registering a return of 334.98%, it significantly outperformed its Top 20 equally weighted benchmark, which rose 261.92%.
  • The Invictus Bitcoin Alpha (IBA) fund managed to outperform Bitcoin throughout the fourth quarter, marking a total return of 14.56%, accompanied by significantly less volatility.
  • The Hyperion venture capital fund continued on its impressive run, appreciating a further 5.05% off the back of a Quantfury dividend and Syntropy revaluation. The large dividend received by Quantfury will allow for a healthy level of buy-and-burn activity on the IHF token over the coming months.
  • Invictus Margin Lending (IML) Fund registered a 2.48% net return (10.29% APY) for the quarter against its 1.48% benchmark hurdle.

Invictus Capital is now on the cusp of a historic migration into a fully-regulated fund structure that will place us at the forefront of innovation within the asset management space. It should also bring our investors the peace of mind that comes with additional, 3rd-party oversight of our operations.

Read the report here.

Indicators (14 January — 21 January)

The Invictus Roadmap

We are excited to announce the upcoming Invictus Capital roadmap and new features coming up in the next few months.

Find out about upcoming Regulatory updates, the Polygon token swap, new wallet features, the Invictus App, and the Yield Vault.

Read it here.

Invictus Incubations: Invictus Makes Foray Into Fast-growing NFT Space

Invictus is proud to announce involvement in two new NFT projects: The Invictus NFT Lab — Out Of Africa Collection and the incubation of Air Guitar Academy.

The NFT LAB website was recently launched. Stay tuned for further information and ensure you’re signed up for the newsletter.

NFT Lab is currently running a competition in which you can win NFT #994 from renowned European artist JR’s Greetings from Giza collection ( — an incredible digitization of an installation that was in place late-2021 in Egypt. All you have to do is engage with the Tweet (like, comment, or retweet) and sign up to the newsletter to stand a chance to win.

Invictus Yield Vault

Invictus Capital is thrilled to announce the public launch of the Invictus Yield Vault. The Yield Vault allows qualifying lenders the opportunity to lend a minimum amount of $25,000 BTC, ETH and/or Stablecoins for highly competitive interest rates to Invictus Alpha, Invictus Capital’s trading division.

The minimum for 12 and 18 month loans has been reduced to $10,000.

The Vault is now seamlessly integrated into the investor portal on the Invictus Capital website! Prospective crypto lenders now have a single web location to effortlessly view Yield Vault information, crypto lending interest rates, FAQ information, and contact our Yield Vault Team.

To view our rates and contact our Vault team, please visit our landing page.

Schedule a call with the Invictus Sales Team

Schedule a call with Tom or Ivor from our Fund Sales team if you have any questions or need assistance with your Invictus investment(s).

Alternatively you can call us on +1 (345) 769–7491 between 7:00–16:00 GMT.

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